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- Bensley, B.A. 1922. A plan for the biological investigation of the water areas of Ontario. University of Toronto Studies, Publication of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 1. (14.4 MB)
- Clemens, W.A. 1922. A study of the ciscoes of Lake Erie. University of Toronto Studies, Publication of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 2. (7.15 MB)
- Clemens, W.A. 1922. The food of ciscoes (Leuicichthys) in Lake Erie. University of Toronto Studies, Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 3. (6.6 MB)
- Dymond, J.R. 1922. A provisional list of the fishes of Lake Erie. University of Toronto Studies, Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 4. (9.3 MB)
- Adamstone, F.B. 1922. Rates of growth of the blue and yellow pike perch. University of Toronto Studies, Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 5. (6.1 MB)
- Harkness, W.J.K. 1922. The rate of growth of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) in Lake Erie. University of Toronto Studies, Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 6. (4.0 MB)
- Couch, J.H. 1922. The rate of growth of the white fish (Coregonus albus) in Lake Erie. University of Toronto Studies, Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 7. (5.1 MB)
- Bigelow, N.K. 1922. Representative Cladocera of south-western Ontario. University of Toronto Studies, Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 8. (9.3 MB)
- Coventry, A.F. 1922. Breeding habits of the land-locked sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) var. dorsatus Wilder. University of Toronto Studies, Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 9. (5.4 MB)
- Coleman, A.P. 1922. Glacial and post glacial lakes in Ontario. University of Toronto Studies, Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 10.
- Clemens, W.A. 1923. The limnology of Lake Nipigon. University of Toronto Studies, Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 11. (15.5 MB)
- Dymond, J.R. 1923. A provisional list of the fishes of Lake Nipigon. University of Toronto Studies, Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 12. (2.9 MB)
- Bigelow, N.K. 1923. The plankton of Lake Nipigon and environs. University of Toronto Studies, Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 13. (13 MB)
- Adamstone, F.B. 1923. The distribution and economic importance of mollusca in Lake Nipigon. University of Toronto Studies, Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 14. (24 MB)
- Adamstone, F.B., and W.J.K. Harkness. 1923. The bottom organisms of Lake Nipigon. University of Toronto Studies, Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 15. (22.5 MB)
- Clemens, W.A., J.R. Dymond, N.K. Bigelow, and W.J.K. Harkness. 1923. The food of Lake Nipigon fishes. University of Toronto Studies. Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 16. (7.9 MB)
- Clemens, W.A. 1923. The limnology of Lake Nipigon in 1922. University of Toronto Studies. Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 17. (5.4 MB)
- Harkness, W.J.K. 1923. The rate of growth and the food of the lake sturgeon (Acipenser rubicundus LeSueur). University of Toronto Studies. Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 18. (13.2 MB)
- Adamstone, F.B. 1923. The bottom fauna of Lake Nipigon. University of Toronto Studies. Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 19. (12.1 MB)
- Bigelow, N.K. 1923. Further studies of the plankton of Lake Nipigon. University of Toronto Studies. Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 20. (4.7 MB)
- Bigelow, N.K. 1923. The food of young suckers (Catostomus commersoni) in Lake Nipigon. University of Toronto Studies. Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 21. (14.3 MB)
- Clemens, W.A. 1924. The limnology of Lake Nipigon in 1923. University of Toronto Studies. Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 22. (5.95 MB)
- Moore, J.P. 1924. The leeches (Hirudinea) of Lake Nipigon. University of Toronto Studies. Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 23. (8.1 MB)
- Adamstone, F.B. 1924. The distribution and economic importance of the bottom fauna of Lake Nipigon with an appendix on the bottom fauna of Lake Ontario. University of Toronto Studies. Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 24. (31.3 MB)
- Clemens, W.A., J.R. Dymond, and N.K. Bigelow. 1924. Food studies of Lake Nipigon fishes. University of Toronto Studies. Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 25. (23.4 MB)
- MacKay, H.H. 1924. A quantitative study of the plankton of the shallow bays of Lake Nipigon. University of Toronto Studies. Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 26. (22.8 MB)
- Dymond, J.R. 1926. The fishes of Lake Nipigon. University of Toronto Studies. Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 27. (56.2 MB)
- Dymond, J.R., and Hart, J.L. 1927. The fishes of Lake Abitibi (Ontario) and adjacent waters. University of Toronto Studies. Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 28. (7.9 MB)
- Harkness, W.J.K.,and J.L. Hart. 1927. The fishes of Long Lake, Ontario. University of Toronto Studies. Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 29. (4.8 MB)
- Leonard, A.K. 1927. The rate of growth and the food of the horned dace (Semotilus atromaculatus) in Quebec, with some data on the food of the common shiner (Notropis cornutus) and of the brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) from the same region. University of Toronto Studies. Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 30. (5.2 MB)
- Dymond, J.R. 1928. A description of Leucichthys tullibee (Richardson) based on six specimens from the type locality. University of Toronto Studies. Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 31. (2.9 MB)
- Pritchard, A.L. 1928. A preliminary study of the genus Leucichthys in the Canadian waters of Lake Ontario. University of Toronto Studies. Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 32. (8.1 MB)
- Dymond, J.R. 1928. Some factors affecting the production of lake trout (Cristovomer namaycush) in Lake Ontario. University of Toronto Studies. Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 33. (6.3 MB)
- Hart, J.L. 1928. Data on the rate of growth of pike perch (Stizostedion vitreum) and sauger (S. canadense) in Ontario. University of Toronto Studies. Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 34. (6.1 MB)
- Bigelow, N.K. 1928. The ecological distribution of microscopic organisms in Lake Nipigon. University of Toronto Studies. Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 35.
- Rawson, D.S. 1928. Preliminary studies of the bottom fauna of Lake Simcoe, Ontario. University of Toronto Studies. Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 36. (12.8 MB)
- Part 1 - Dymond, J.R., J.L. Hart, and A.L. Pritchard 1929. The fishes of the Canadian waters of Lake Ontario. University of Toronto Studies. Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 37. (12.8 MB)
- Part 2 - Dymond, J.R., J.L. Hart, and A.L. Pritchard 1929. The fishes of the Canadian waters of Lake Ontario. University of Toronto Studies. Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 37. (1.5 MB)
- Pritchard, A.L. 1929. The alewife (Pomolobus pseudoharengus) in Lake Ontario. University of Toronto Studies. Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 38. (8.8 MB)
- Marshall, R. 1929. Canadian hydracarina. University of Toronto Studies. Publications of the Ontario Fisheries Research Laboratory No. 39. (20.1 MB)